Designed to fit with your existing systems & ways of working.

IAND works with your existing systems, including finance and procurement, preventing duplication and maximising insight.

Secure cloud platform
No installation cost.
Work anywhere - the IAND platform works on tablet, mobile and desktop.

Configure automations to meet your business goals - from performance feedback targets to reporting on social value goals.

Intuitive design
Project Manager friendly - the IAND platform is easy to use to maximise adoption and save users time.
The IAND platform really helps on delivery of the project. It is streamlined and easy to navigate – the deadlines and reminders make it easy for me to keep track of my tasks.
Niagara Dike
Project Assistant,Weston Williamson
Security is at the heart of IAND. We fully integrate security into all our business processes, from software development and quality assurance to our recruitment & staff training programmes.
Private portfolios for each customer. HTTPS protects sensitive data transmitted.
Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
The IAND Warrant permission system locks down access to information.
Cyber Essentials Plus accredited.
GDPR compliant..
Use on the move or at your desk. The IAND platform is hosted on the cloud and any user with access to the internet and a compatible browser can access the service.
Web-App - responsive design
Full functionality on your mobile incl. iPhone or android device
Supported browsers incl: Chrome, Safari 9+, Microsoft Edge, Firefox
Permissions and user management. Simple to see and manage your teams responsibilities and control access rights.
Control permissions - with 5 levels from super users through to supplier directory.
Simple to onboard, off board & reassign user responsibilities.
You can lock access to individual projects & opportunities to only the few members of the direct project team for enhanced commercial & security control.
Personalise your portfolio to meet your business goals. Simple to update when things change.
Create a custom profile & information about your company & goals.
In your management suite, manage and update your settings, from your performance feedback questions to templated compliance documents.
Rich features to de-duplicate supplier profiles across finance records.
From self-serve resources on the IAND academy, to a team who can help you out.
Online guides & resources
Training videos & packs
UK based support desk | chat | phone | email
Ensuring you can access the information you need at all times.
As a cloud service, IAND is available at all times.
We aim for and have achieved in excess of 99.99% availability with the exception of pre-planned and notified maintenance over the past 12 months.

Balanced scorecard
100% visibility of your suppliers, projects and spend. Onboard suppliers for enhanced insights.
Integrated ESG reporting
Track performance trends
Review supply chain capacity incl. SME stats
Searchable map & list views
Download data at any time
Performance management
See suppliers performance across contracts and track trends on both your & your suppliers performance.
360 degree performance feedback
Configure questions to your needs
View performance over time
Deep dive on questions & suppliers
Spot risks early, get projects back on track
Account Management
Simplify supplier meetings, with all information to hand, at any time. SME friendly.
Single profile for each supplier, all info to hand.
Onboard suppliers to collaborate
Track “my suppliers”
Integrated messaging & document sharing
Set and manage supplier categories

Commercial controls
Single source of information, from contractual agreement through to delivery, incl. performance.
Hold contracts in shared project space
Manage change requests
Track budget vs. spend
Manage project team members
Upload and approve deliverables
Quality & compliance
Automate your QMS workflows – improve compliance, reduce risk & save time .
Configure to your quality standards
Fully automated request & renewals workflows
Document storage & approvals audit trail
Segment suppliers according to risk
Report on supply chain spend under control
Supplier engagement
Simple to keep your supplier up to date – with integrated contacts database.
Communicate with all suppliers
Share documentation with all/cohorts of suppliers
Manage Framework suppliers
Keep contact details up-to-date